Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Morning inspiration from Napoleon Hill | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Morning inspiration from Napoleon Hill to keep progressing towards our goals. quot;Without a major purpose, you are drifting toward certain failure.

In achieving the goals you have set for yourself, there are only two alternatives: Either you are moving toward your goal, or you are drifting away from it. Choose your purpose in life and attack it with a vengeance. When you have the courage of your convictions, when the choice is one you’ve made for yourself, you will have the strength to persevere until you succeed.quot; Keep up the great work everyone!! The grind is definitely tough, but when you start seeing your hard work payoff it makes all those shit days SO WORTH IT!!
There#039;s always positives to be taken from every day…it#039;s just a matter of shifting your perception.

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