Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, It’s okay to end friendships | Latest Phoenix Askani’s Instagram Picture

It’s okay to end friendships and cut yourself off from toxic people who make you feel drained. It isn’t always easy, but it must be done. You should feel uplifted, supported, strengthened and loved. If you feel like you’re suffocating around someone, they might be an energy vampire (or psychic vampire), sucking you dry of your energy while in your presence. If someone occasionally annoys you but is receptive and humble toward their very human faults, that’s one thing, but if they’re constantly leaving you feeling depleted or blatantly disrespect you, cut the cord and don’t turn back. Set clear boundaries and protect yourself from negative energy. Is your energy being fed or is it being fed off of? “Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop.” – Rumi #energyvampires #sourceunknown #feedyoursoul

Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, It’s okay to end friendships

Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, I never set out to | Latest Phoenix Askani’s Instagram Picture

I never set out to be an Influencer or whatever word you want to use for that. I gained followers during my time in the adult industry and modeling but have since “rebranded” a bit for the sake of sharing things I really care about – mostly healing, wellness, mystical or spiritual things, plant based living, beauty/skincare and of course literature, film, and music. I stopped caring about the number of likes, the awful Instagram algorithm, or having a consistent posting schedule. Now I post what I want, when I want, because there’s so much else to live for. I’ll post 3 photos in a day or one per week. It doesn’t matter. I only will work with brands and post products if I ACTUALLY LIKE THE THING and feel it would benefit my followers in the same way. Since making this change, I am so much happier. To each their own, but I’ve always lived on my own terms.

Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, I never set out to

Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, By now, you’ve probably seen | Latest Phoenix Askani’s Instagram Picture

By now, you’ve probably seen many #MeToo posts across various social media platforms. The truth is I don’t think I know a woman who hasn’t been harassed or assaulted/abused at some point. A survivor is the result, the effect. For every “Me too” post, the CAUSE is often multiple men. I’ve read countless stories of cat-calling, sexual abuse and harassment this week. Many of these warrior women have endured multiple occurrences, often finding ourselves wondering if we can even leave the house and simply run errands without harassment. It’s heartbreaking but very real and it needs to change. STOP making light of rape, assault, and molestation. Your jokes are in bad taste and fucking TIRED.
For every resilient women that posts a “Me too” story, there’s another that isn’t sharing hers and is perhaps processing it differently. No survivor owes you their story. You don’t have to share your story or write “Me too” if you don’t want to. It doesn’t make you less strong or brave. You are a fighter and a survivor, you are valued and I believe you. Your resilience might not be heard publicly through your story, but I hear you loud and clear. Each scenario is unique and must be treated as such. Share if you are comfortable but please do not feel pressured if you’d rather not – it is YOUR CHOICE. Everything in your own time. We all heal differently and it is no one’s place to tell you how to handle your trauma.
I know how trying it has been to relive it all and see the plethora of these statuses back to back. I know. Don’t forget to breathe. Step away from the screens as needed, stand in the sun, touch a tree, take as much self-care as you need now. The posts themselves may not fully spearhead the real awakening that is needed, but I’m grateful that some men will use this time to reflect on their own behavior, consider ways they might be a part of the problem, and ways they will hold other men accountable going forward. Ask yourself how you can DO BETTER. I’m also grateful for the overwhelming support from other women/femme presenting banding together during this time.

Please be gentle with yourselves and with each other.

Photo: @earlfulcher, taken one year ago today.

Phoenix Askani, Instagram photo, By now, you’ve probably seen