Sherri Shepherd, Instagram photo, Speak the #truth @ananavarrofl | Latest Sherri Shepherd’s Instagram Picture

Speak the #truth @ananavarrofl … and please don't interrupt a #Latina when she's speaking. Friday The President Donald Trump pardoned Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio who was convicted last month of criminal contempt … he illegally targeted residents he suspected of being illegal immigrants while ignoring hundreds of sex crime cases… he mistreated women of color who were detained denying them basic sanitary items… forcing them to stay with their sheets and pants soiled from their menstruation… Arpaio was one of the leaders of the birther movement. He & Donald Trump falsely accused Former President Barack Obama of not being a US Citizen … this man is atrocious and gets a pardon! So the message is being sent from the President … there are very fine people amongst white nationalist, Neo Nazis & KKK members and Sheriff Arpaio is also one of those fine people as well. This President is the same man who took out two full ads, calling for the execution of five young black men known as the Central Park Five – even when they were all proven to be innocent, Trump NEVER apologized. I am called to pray for my enemies and I say Enemy because he has not shown himself to be for people that don't look like him. I pray that God change this President's heart… but within that prayer is that we actually get a President who wants to unify our country… a President who has integrity and can lead. God help us. 🏾 #saultopaulconversion conversion #evenkingSaulwasremoved #whereisdavid

Sherri Shepherd, Instagram photo, Speak the #truth @ananavarrofl

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