SOPHIE GUIDOLIN , Instagram photo, Fathers Day | Latest SOPHIE GUIDOLIN ‘s Instagram Picture

Fathers Day. 🏼
Today I am thankful to two men who have a massive impact in my daily life.
My own dad and my husband, baby daddy.
My dad will fly to Queensland with just hours notice just to help us with the boys or day to day or to go to an event at school. You're a legend, a bogan, but a legend.
Nath, you changed my entire perception of a dad and a man. You took on the boys as your own from day dot, from school lunches, to drop off, first aid runs, Auskick, bedtime stories and cuddles and the endless 'boy' banter, you amaze me and made me realise why it never worked with anyone else.
You melt my ovaries on the daily with the girls and the bond you guys have/ thank you for blessing me to be your parenting partner 🤗🏻
If you're blessed enough to still have your dad in your life, please call him today and let him know he is rad. If you're in pain today or missing your dad during today, my heartfelt thoughts are with you during what must be an incredibly difficult day.
So to all the mamas out there playing the role of mum and dad, to all the dads who are sleepy, to the children without papas, to the step dads stepping up to the role, to the dads who have lost their children, happy Father's Day 🤗

SOPHIE GUIDOLIN , Instagram photo, Fathers Day

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