Sharna Burgess, Instagram photo, Wow I am so honored | Latest Sharna Burgess’s Instagram Picture

Wow I am so honored to be on the poster with this guy (who seriously deserves it @alanbersten ) for our 25th season! I can't believe how time has flown and how far we've come. I joined all the way back in 2011, season 13 as a troupe member, looking up to the people In front of me, wanting and waiting for my shot at being up there with them. I was hungry to prove myself, to show my creativity and to find my place in this new world I'd fallen into. At the time I had no idea I'd walked into a family as much as I walked into a total career shift. After years of being on the road and being a gypsy, I'd finally found my home. I honestly never dreamt of being on TV as a kid let alone the poster for a TV show (twice ) , I never knew I would find my place here in Hollywood. I always thought I would dance, be a world champion… and then teach. However life certainly had other plans for me. You know my Nonna used to tell me my name would be in lights one day… I thought she was delusional but it turns out she knew things I didn't. I truly couldn't be more grateful for the gifts and opportunities this show has given me. For the platform to have a voice, to make a difference, to inspire and encourage millions of people, to be an example for young women everywhere, and to create.. just create, everyday, whatever I want. It isn't luck that I am here, though I count myself a very lucky woman. Life is beautiful, life is #allthethings

Oh and tune in to the best show on TV starting September 18th. @dancingabc

Sharna Burgess, Instagram photo, Wow I am so honored

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