Nathaniel Buzolic , Instagram photo, The vine, the branch, the | Latest Nathaniel Buzolic ‘s Instagram Picture

The vine, the branch, the fruit.
Jesus said this – "I am the TRUE vine, and My father is the keeper of the vineyard. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it even more fruitful.
There may be many branches, but there is only ONE TRUE vine.
To remain connected to Jesus, I've learnt that I must study, understand and allow his WORD to LIVE & ABIDE in me.
The more I LEARN, the more I seem to GROW, & the more I seem to GROW the more God challenges me to LOVE a little more. I will never know the fruit I may bear, if I bear any at all.
All I can say is this. I share these things with you so that you may share this joy. Knowing that Jesus is the reason & the answer, the Savior & the King, the purpose & the truth.

#buzolicphoto #nategeo #jesus

Nathaniel Buzolic , Instagram photo, The vine, the branch, the

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