Bitsie Tulloch, Instagram photo, Important: GOP is trying to | Latest Bitsie Tulloch’s Instagram Picture

Important: GOP is trying to ram through the Graham-Cassidy repeal bill, which is TERRIBLE. It eliminates protections for people who are/have been sick. Would essentially evict people from nursing homes as Medicaid covers costs for 64% of nursing home residents (Medicare doesn't cover nursing homes). Has lifetime and annual caps, charges older people more. Millions will lose insurance, including disabled and children. No Medicaid expansion. Premiums go up for everyone. 20% in first year alone. Gets worse after that if you are 50+ or poor. Huge funding cuts to states. No individual mandate. Doing all this with no CBO score and no hearings or bipartisan input. Call your senators and House representatives to #saveourcare at (202) 224-3121.

Bitsie Tulloch, Instagram photo, Important: GOP is trying to

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