Sinamon Love, Instagram photo, New Moon in Virgo, Who | Latest Sinamon Love’s Instagram Picture

New Moon in Virgo, Who dis? Now is the time to heal old wounds so you can stop reopening them. The Universe WANTS you to have everything you desire. Do the work so you can show up for this glow up you are about to receive. You've seen the horse chasing the dangling carrot – well know that if you claim you want something better than you have had in the past, the Universe will dangle that carrot to see if you are ready for the next step. When you keep returning to the same behaviors, patterns, people, circumstances – you're showing you are not ready for the next step. You ready to make your next move your best move? Stop sending the Universe mixed signals.

Side note: I am NOT an astrologer. Click the hashtag and Google the information for yourself. I'm leading you to the water. Take a sip.

Sinamon Love, Instagram photo, New Moon in Virgo, Who

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