Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, I just want to take | Latest Carrie Ann Inaba’s Instagram Picture

I just want to take a moment to thank this special group of people. This is my tribe. And I'm eternally grateful to them for all that they are – as incredible strong minded, talented, honest, and kind individuals, but I'm also eternally grateful for how they each have supported me as this amazing season has kicked off! I wouldn't be the Carrie Ann Inabaaaarr you see each week on @dancingabc without these people. I love you guys!!! And am eternally grateful! I love coming to work each week, knowing you are all there, it's family. and it's oh so good!!! #BTSFamily #glamsquadcrew #Family #Friends #greatenergy Surround yourself with great people and great things happen. 🏻🏻🏻🏻

Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, I just want to take

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