Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe left | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

Swipe left! Watch the video at your own discretion. This happened with the police department that is supposedly one of the best in the nation as far as de-escalation is concerned. But as the bustle article points out, better deescalation training doesn't fix biases and discrimination in the criminal justice and judicial systems. Make your voice heard in and outside of SLC to the mayor and senators and local officials. Same with STL! No charges in the case of Patrick Harmon. He was RIDING A BIKE WITHOUT A LIGHT!! We can't let them keep murdering & abusing black and brown people with impunity and oppressing and thwarting progress in communities of color. People shouldn't have to live in fear that the people that protect them are actually potentially there to murder them if they are having a bad day. This is not okay. This is not separate from White Supremacy, systemic racism, immigration reform, environmental justice, islamophobia, etc. This is not disconnected from #NotMyPresident encouraging police brutality. This is not separate from the talk of gun control! This is why @kaepernick7 started kneeling. Our liberty is interlinked. 🏽 #blacklivesmatter #Heretostay #nobannowall #guncontrol #PatrickHarmon #RIP

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe left

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