, Instagram photo, Our amazing Hispanic American communities | Latest ‘s Instagram Picture

Our amazing Hispanic American communities embody our great American values of faith, family, security, hard work, and freedom.

Their commitment to those values is why countless citizens of Hispanic descent have served in uniform to defend our country, our citizens, and our flag. 60 Hispanic-Americans have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for their outstanding bravery in battle. And today, we are grateful to have more than a quarter million Hispanic Americans serving in our military. We salute all of those who defend our nation and our way of life.
Each of you here today represents a vital part of the fabric of this nation that we love. You teach our children, lead our churches, protect our communities, and defend our nation. Among you are leaders in government, faith, and business.
In fact, today Hispanic American-owned small businesses are growing at a tremendous rate-especially among our Latinas who are leading the way in starting new businesses. And once we pass our historic tax reform plan, Hispanic-American businesses and families will prosper like never before.

We are working every day to secure a future of peace, prosperity, and sovereignty for every American citizen. And we hope for a future of freedom and prosperity throughout the Western Hemisphere.

That is why under my administration, we have taken decisive action to stand with the good people of Cuba and Venezuela. As I announced before a wonderful crowd in Little Havana earlier this year, we will not lift sanctions on the Cuban Regime until it delivers full political freedom for the Cuban People.

The same failed Communist ideology that has brought oppression to Cuba has brought nothing but suffering and misery everywhere and every place it has been tried.

Communism is the past – FREEDOM IS THE FUTURE.

, Instagram photo, Our amazing Hispanic American communities

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