Sinamon Love, Instagram photo, Today is the first day | Latest Sinamon Love’s Instagram Picture

Today is the first day I've rest my altar since a fire erupted and extinguished itself while we were all out a few weeks ago. I am well aware I am protected. I wasn't in rush to reset it. I knew when the time was right, I would know. Today was a challenging day. The Yin to the sweet Yang of the rest of this week to come. I'll take it all. With the #newmooninlibra approaching Thursday, it was time to put in the work.

In a private corner of the interwebs, I am practicing #100DaysofGratitude. Today is day 5. I'll share this one with you. I am grateful for the guidance and protection of my ancestors, the doors they are opening, and the gifts they are preparing to bestow upon me. Thank you in advance. And thank you for removing blockages which were prohibiting me from achieving my higher purpose. K.


Sinamon Love, Instagram photo, Today is the first day

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