Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, “If you can’t manage your | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

“If you can’t manage your own mental attitude, what makes you think you can manage others?⠀

Before you can ever have any hope of coaching others effectively, you must first learn to set an example for others to follow. It is simply impossible for you to inspire others to high levels of achievement if you cannot inspire yourself to do the same.⠀
The first move is yours. You must first prove yourself worthy.” – Napoleon Hill⠀

This is what I have been working on for the past 3-4 years.⠀
Discovering my own strengths and weaknesses as a person, not as an athlete, then working to improve certain parts of myself to become the person I truly want to be.⠀⠀

Now, I am able to send tall, confident and self-assured, after doing the work on myself, knowing that I now have the ability to help others become the very best version of themselves too.⠀ BE – DO – HAVE

Tony Robbins says, “You can't coach someone on something you haven’t experienced and you can’t take someone somewhere you have ever been.”⠀

Work on yourself first, and the rest will fall into place.
Seek out a mentor, program or coach to help you, or find books that will inspire you continually move forward.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, “If you can’t manage your

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