JR, Instagram photo, This sailing boat will participate | Latest JR’s Instagram Picture

This sailing boat will participate in a race that will cross the Atlantic Ocean from France to Brazil starting Today!along the historical coffee trade route. In my project Women Are Heroes I had made the promise to the women I met that I would make their stories travel – this is the eye from a woman who participated in the project. The boat is named "Vivo a beira", (which can be translated by "living on the edge"), from a verse by the famous Brazilian poet Clarice Lispector. It intends to raise awareness on a foundation helping the kids of Rio favelas. Thank you to Pierre Lacaze and Yoann Richomme for inviting me to be part of this adventure and for choosing art instead of branding … 📸Benoit Stichelbaut

JR, Instagram photo, This sailing boat will participate

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