Lais DeLeon, Instagram photo, Flowing not forcing | Latest Lais DeLeon’s Instagram Picture

Flowing not forcing. Move your body & your mind will follow.
Enjoying walks outdoors before winter weather.
Jacket: @ptulaactive –
A question I get a lot is how many times per week do I exercise?
Everyday, Ideally.
"But you need rest. You're over training. Muscles need to recover." 🙄🙄🙄
1. That's what I'm doing when I sleep for 8+ hours each night or when I sit & work. A one hour daily workout is hardly over-training.
2. I never train the same muscle group within 24-48 hours. I design my workouts on a strategic body part split so I hit each major muscle group twice per week but never 2 days in a row. They get enough time to recover.
3. I EXERCISE everyday. I don't max out, hit PRs, HIIT, or train at my highest intensity everyday. Exercise to me is simply moving my body in some way everyday because I don't believe it's healthy to be completely sedentary and inactive for a whole day.
I don't subscribe to the idea of a "Rest Day."
Unless I get sick or something unexpected happens I make a point to MOVE everyday.
Of course I listen to my body, if something doesn't feel right, I don't push it. Hope this answers that question if you're confused about how often to workout.

Lais DeLeon, Instagram photo, Flowing not forcing

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