SOPHIE GUIDOLIN , Instagram photo, A lot of people say | Latest SOPHIE GUIDOLIN ‘s Instagram Picture

A lot of people say to me 'how would you cope if you gained weight?' 🏽🤷🏽‍♀
Well god forbid hahaha well I haven't trained all week due to our wedding anniversary and then sickness, in fact I haven't stuck to any sort of macros or food ratios or even checked because to be honest, my priority has been elsewhere. #family On the scales I have gained around 3/4kgs- however in reality my care factor is probably a -3/4. so in other words, coping just fine. My weight fluctuates so quickly depending on sodium, fibre and training so I know in a weeks time it will be back to 'normal'. (Whatever that is at the time)
So remember, whilst I live my life 'lean' year round, my ultimate goal is health, family happiness and strength goals. (Unless I am competing, then the order is still health, family happiness and shred goals)
Whenever I get my period my weight changes, whenever I eat high sodium foods my weight changes, whenever I eat high fibre- guess what? Yep, my weight changes. That's why I ALWAYS say to measure it, but take it with a grain of salt (literally ) and notice the changes in how your clothes fit, how you FEEL and how your strength or fitness increases. After all, when was the last time you let a number define how awesome you truly are? 🤷🏽‍♀🏻 (Answer- never 🏽) @thebod_ it's a lifestyle, not a quick fix, but a total mind shift. Change your thinking, change your world.

SOPHIE GUIDOLIN , Instagram photo, A lot of people say

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