Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, I subscribe to Napoleon Hill’s | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

I subscribe to Napoleon Hill's "Thought of the day" as I love reading the short, uplifting, wise messages everyday.⠀⠀
Today's one has really hit home.⠀⠀
There is so much discussion about "Life after Sport" and what needs to be done or put in place to help athletes when they retire. There have also been some incredible sad stories of former pro-athletes taking their life, living with depression or just never really being fulfilled like they used to.⠀⠀
This message below, I feel, plays a small but meaningful part in the importance of having or forming another goal after sport ends. This is because the best athletes in this world are the ones who have a very clear goal and are relentless in their pursuit of performance perfection. ⠀⠀
For myself, forming new goals after swimming was VITAL to the positive mindset I have built. ⠀⠀
It's definitely not easy, and took years to stop comparing my past with my present, but it has helped me significantly lower this feeling of "inspirational dissatisfaction" outlined below.
I hope the below passage inspires you to set new goals and to continue living with meaning and joy:⠀⠀
"We are happiest when we are striving to achieve a goal. When we achieve one goal, it’s a natural human tendency to set another, usually bigger, one. W. Clement Stone calls it inspirational dissatisfaction — the letdown one experiences after a goal has been achieved and before the next step toward a new one has been taken. When you begin to experience that nagging feeling, it’s time to get into action! Make sure you have a long-range plan in place so that when one short-term goal has been achieved, there is a natural progression toward the next. "⠀⠀
– Napoleon Hill

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, I subscribe to Napoleon Hill's

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