Cassey Ho, Instagram photo, Avocado toast with alfalfa sprouts | Latest Cassey Ho’s Instagram Picture

Avocado toast with alfalfa sprouts. You know, back when I was on my bikini competition diet, I didn’t allow myself to eat bread or grains, and you know what that did to me? It made me crave it more than anything in the world. After the competition, I spiraled into chaos. It made me binge on cereal late at night with no one watching, feeling like a guilty failure. And and get this, I don’t even really like cereal!!! But I did everything to get close to bread without ever having it. And the entire process was just exhausting and emptying. It took years. YEARS to overcome my mental fear of eating these “restricted” foods. But you know what? Once I realized that food was energy and not the enemy, I allowed myself to have the freedom and to make the choice to eat how I wanted to eat. Like, what is the point of putting yourself in a food jail??? So maybe I’m not super thin like I used to be, but I don’t need to be. I’m choosing to focus my energy on other things in life that’ll bring me more joy. And in doing so, I am feeling balanced, happy, and invincible. #blogilates

Cassey Ho, Instagram photo, Avocado toast with alfalfa sprouts

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