Lais DeLeon, Instagram photo, Haiii from this busy little | Latest Lais DeLeon’s Instagram Picture

Haiii from this busy little bee
[Life Reminder Ahead ]
I've been here working on some exciting projects I'm planning on launching before year end.

I'm conflicted, on one side I'm feeling accomplished & super productive with these projects. On the other, I'm not training as hard as I like to, I feel like I haven't been sharing enough on social media, & some small things in my personal life I'm slacking on.😬

I believe there's a season for everything and we should honor the seasons of life we're in.
I don't believe in "balance" in the sense of every aspect of life being in perfect harmony at all times. That isn't realistic to me.
Some seasons require more of our time, energy, & focus. When we add something new to an already full plate, we must remove or put something on hold temporarily.

I'm trying to remind myself of that.
I have goals I want to achieve that require me to honor this particular season of life. Just gotta grind it out for the next month, so I can enjoy the holidays- a season I love to focus on rest, recovery, nurturing relationships, and planning for the coming year.

The holiday season can be a tough time for people.. there's a lot of pressure (family, last quarter goals, finances, travels, on top of our existing responsibilities)
I hope this serves as your reminder, as much as it is mine, to honor your season of life & cut yourself a little slack (just a little though, cuz #goals ) if everything isn't going perfectly smooth. Life isn't perfect or smooth.

Lais DeLeon, Instagram photo, Haiii from this busy little

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