Rylai, Instagram photo, Betty Boo story Part 2: So | Latest Rylai’s Instagram Picture

Betty Boo story Part 2:
So our family went from 2 to 3 and everyone absolutely loved Betty, well except Lola! Three months later and Dave's mother, Judi, unexpectedly passed away! (As in Judith A Bassett the name of our center)- see, Judi had 2 GSDs and we knew that above all her babies needed to stay together and be with family- so they were in San Diego, we were in Utah- Dave drove to San Diego to get them- in the middle of a heinous snowstorm!!! He didn't make it all the way- so he had to walk with all of them in 4 feet of snow for about 1/2 mile!!! It was a stressful time- from the loss of Judi- to managing 5 wonderful dogs that didn't get along right away… going From 2-3-5 in a matter of months!! And of course, we couldn't fit them all in our vehicles, so off we went to buy a passenger van just to drive them all!!!! Everyone adjusted- including my dog food bill… and more engraved Christmas stocking were ordered for our growing family!!

Rylai, Instagram photo, Betty Boo story Part 2:

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