Yazemeenah Rossi, Instagram photo, What is going on with | Latest Yazemeenah Rossi’s Instagram Picture

What is going on with the Elephants not only inspires me disgust, a sens of revolt but touches something very deep in me , like something is dying …beyond sadness…désespoir…desperation.
Elephants are such a source of inspiration since ever .
These noble giants always fascinated humans not only by their strength but I think because they speak to us about something very ancient , origins, a magic and magnificence that we can encounter only in fairy tales, like mythique animal that we can see reel,that exist. The world of wonders that we dream is right here.
What will happen to the human psyche when these will be extinct by the craziness of men and also women hunters who are so disconnected to Nature beauty and to the essence of life starting by themselves?
For me elephants and all the creatures of the animal world are symbols of our instincts, our ability to survive, naked, organic mater in Nature.
I feel good and secure when I see them or think of them, protected ; there is in me a feeling of connection, appartenance to the forces of the Universe.
Killing these magnificent animals is not only stupidly killing without heart and respect …killing them is killing inside of us the strength they represent.
How people can be so far away from common sens ?
How people can get pleasure and pride in doing this ? Where is the glory ?How can they be not ashamed of such a thing? How can they be honored in this? How can they look at themselves in a mirror? How can they sleep?
How is their consciousness of the World? Life? Themselves?
Only people who have no self respect and who don’t see farer than the tip of their nose can do this as all kind of act of crime on the planet. Stupidity, greed and cruelty at his summum! It is so vile that I don’t think that exists a word strong enough to describe what I feel.

Thank you @oilpaintingfactory.com for this art piece.
#savetheelephants #nocrime#stopkilling #protection#wildlife#animal#heritage#planet#survival#ellendegeneres #leonardodicaprio #nature#beauty#painting#artpiece#

Yazemeenah Rossi, Instagram photo, What is going on with

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