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#AashkaGoradiaGoble Note to Self: Sometimes your internal dialogue is a choice and sometimes you slip into one unknowingly, the former brings up the memory of subconscious and the dialogue continues to be in the direction you want it to be, it will speak and hear all that seems appropriate you our minds in that moment. But sliping into the dialogue unknowingly will bring up talks you have never had with yourself, those talks will be transformative because everything that comes up will hold space to process every moment of that thought. In that process, more acceptance will come about and that’s where we learn to let go, cause you just can’t #letgo if you cannot #accept. …#internaldialogue #talktoyourself #unknowingly #conversation #insearchofgod #onelove #begentle #bekind #yoga #goa #peaceofblueyoga #yogashala #yogaschool

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