Ellie Gonsalves, Instagram photo, 2 years ago my dad | Latest Ellie Gonsalves’s Instagram Picture

2 years ago my dad committed suicide (swipe right to hear the story) I want to share this story with you because today is #RUOK Day in Australia.
I shared this on my instastory but I really wanted to share it as a post here too. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through with my dad. There are so many people out there suffering in silence – but I'm here to tell you, YOU DON'T HAVE TO!! You don't have to be strong 24/7. I certainly wasn't for a long time after I found out about my dad and I had a counsellor that I spoke to every week.
Whether you speak to your family, your friends, a counsellor or a help line you can remain anonymous on – you are making leaps and bounds towards feeling a weight being lifted from your shoulders.

You are special, you are worth it. Today opens up dialogue around something we should ask each other every day – because it may just save someones life. So ask people in your life, or even just someone you kinda know if they are OK today Help line: https://www.ruok.org.au/findhelp @ruokday

Ellie Gonsalves, Instagram photo, 2 years ago my dad