Erin Cummings, Instagram photo, Back in 2001, when I | Latest Erin Cummings’s Instagram Picture

Back in 2001, when I first moved to LA and was auditioning for student films, I bought this book to track my progress. After a year of being out of the industry for breast cancer treatment, I'm more motivated than ever to work hard, smart and with passion. While picking up some plays at @samuelfrenchbookshop, (the greatest resource to actors!), I saw this same book, 16 years later. I'm a big believer in writing down what you want, tracking your progress and actually SEEING in front of you what actions have positive results so they can be continued. What positive steps have you made in your life to get you closer to happiness (in health, love, career, etc)? I'm genuinely curious and love being inspired by you all. Xx, Erin

#passion #craft #career #health #meditation #visualization #manifestation #writeitdown #acting #dreambig

Erin Cummings, Instagram photo, Back in 2001, when I

Erin Cummings, Instagram photo, Back in 2001, when I | Latest Erin Cummings’s Instagram Picture

Back in 2001, when I first moved to LA and was auditioning for student films, I bought this book to track my progress. After a year of being out of the industry for breast cancer treatment, I'm more motivated than ever to work hard, smart and with passion. While picking up some plays at @samuelfrenchbookshop, (the greatest resource to actors!), I saw this same book, 16 years later. I'm a big believer in writing down what you want, tracking your progress and actually SEEING in front of you what actions have positive results so they can be continued. What positive steps have you made in your life to get you closer to happiness (in health, love, career, etc)? I'm genuinely curious and love being inspired by you all. Xx, Erin

#passion #craft #career #health #meditation #visualization #manifestation #writeitdown #acting #dreambig

Erin Cummings, Instagram photo, Back in 2001, when I