Brandon Routh, Instagram photo, #TakeAKnee & a deep breath | Latest Brandon Routh’s Instagram Picture

#TakeAKnee & a deep breath or ten, & really consider this.
If you can't register this statement, please take a look at your own biased view on this issue.
Are you hearing what you want to hear? Or truly listening to what these #PeacefulProtesters are saying/representing. This isn't one person anymore, this is a big group of people. This is a real concern for them–which they are passionate about. Have you ever been passionate about an issue? Did you like people dismissing your thoughts and feelings as worthless? Did anyone listen? If yes, then you know how helpful & healing it can be–so do the same here. If not, I'm sorry. Now is your opportunity to do for others, what you did not get done for you.
Will you be a part of the solution? Or a wall, keeping us divided. 🇺🇸
#ListenWithoutJudgement HearYourFellowAmerican

Brandon Routh, Instagram photo, #TakeAKnee & a deep breath

Brandon Routh, Instagram photo, #Science is so strong within | Latest Brandon Routh’s Instagram Picture

#Science is so strong within #RayPalmer, that even in an #AlternateReality he#039;s still #sciencing! (not a word 🙃!)
Even if he#039;s doing so non-consciously.
What#039;s the new gun?! Find out tonight–only 2 episodes left of @cw_legendsoftomorrow, season 2.