Elise Swopes, Instagram photo, Good morning | Latest Elise Swopes’s Instagram Picture

Good morning! I hope you#039;re starting your day with a big bowl of Cinnamon Frosted Flakes. This is my final image of the amazing adventure with Tony The Tiger amp; luckily enough it was raining Cinnamon Frosted Flakes.

If you haven#039;t already, check my last video post to see all the fun leading up to this shot. Big thanks to @KelloggsFrostedFlakes for such an unforgettable experience and thanks to Tony for such a grrrrreat time. (i just had to do it one more time!!!) #LetYourGreatOut #ad

Elise Swopes, Instagram photo, honesty hour: i posted this | Latest Elise Swopes’s Instagram Picture

honesty hour: i posted this photo yesterday and noticed that it wasn#039;t straightened properly at all and it#039;s been bothering me ever since must repost!! i#039;m curious, what are some of your pet peeves when it comes to your own work? when it#039;s obtainable to perfect a piece but you#039;re so eager to post… is it safe to repost? i think so don#039;t be afraid to make revisions. people are always asking me how i stay inspired after i have a creative block but i truly believe it#039;s because i find flaws in my past work and fix them consistently.. somewhat copying myself but evolving at the same time.