Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, “Love has never been a | Latest Hank Willis Thomas’s Instagram Picture

“Love has never been a popular moment and none has ever really wanted to be free.” – James Baldwin. Had to double up and double down on love. Last night was amazing. Thank you my people for all of your ongoing work! The struggle continues! #loveoverrules thank you @sitesunseen @californiahistoricalsociety

Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, “Love has never been a

Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, “Love has never been a | Latest Hank Willis Thomas’s Instagram Picture

“Love has never been a popular moment and none has ever really wanted to be free.” – James Baldwin. Had to double up and double down on love. Last night was amazing. Thank you my people for all of your ongoing work! The struggle continues! #loveoverrules thank you @sitesunseen @californiahistoricalsociety

Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, “Love has never been a

Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, It’s amazing to see this | Latest Hank Willis Thomas’s Instagram Picture

It’s amazing to see this work anew through the eyes of visitors @agotoronto. There is a new intimacy and power that I hadn’t myself considered until now. #aimiaagoprize #ernestcole . Thank you @kylecanton @billiebonge @towardsatheory @amandafantastic @wheres.gary @callmejosey

Hank Willis Thomas, Instagram photo, It’s amazing to see this