Cassey Ho, Instagram photo, HAPPY MONDAY | Latest Cassey Ho’s Instagram Picture

HAPPY MONDAY! If you#039;re groaning and moaning, hating what you#039;re doing today – you have 2 choices: 1⃣ Change your mindset and learn to be grateful for your job or your schooling because you know it#039;s helping you grow or 2⃣ stop complaining and quit! I#039;m the type of person that does not like wallowing in my sorrow – I like MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. So if you#039;re unhappy, then realize that YOU are the creator of your happiness. Change it up!! By the way, I had a such a blast this weekend speaking at @westfieldtopanga with @beautycon about confidence, career, and true wellness. The Qamp;A part was my favorite…questions so deep I started tearing up!! Can#039;t wait to see you more of you guys this coming weekend in Chicago! Who#039;s coming to my class and meet up!? #blogilates