Timothy Sykes, Instagram photo, I’m patiently waiting for the | Latest Timothy Sykes’s Instagram Picture

I'm patiently waiting for the US #stockmarket to reopen tomorrow while I scan the horizon for opportunities…there are always good #stocktrading plays, but the question is are you fully prepared to capitalize on them? Did you #studyhard over the long #holidayweekend or were you lazy? Be honest with me and with yourself as #honesty is key to your success! #thisview #nodaysoff #preparationiskey #patienceisavirtue #knowledgeispower #ilovemyjob #stockmarketaddict #dreamjob #workfromanywhere #thegoodlife #beautifuldestinations #wonderful_places #jewblue #jewswithviews #jewticipation

Timothy Sykes, Instagram photo, I'm patiently waiting for the