Jen, Instagram photo, Mickey ears, laughter & tears | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

Mickey ears, laughter & tears with my beautiful MIL! As a mother of 4 (including my pretty awesome husband) she is one of the most cherished people in my life and has taught me so much about generosity, love, and Godly wisdom just by being the incredible super woman she is. Even though we live half a country away, I still consider her one of my best friends. Aria, Ben and I love you & miss you so much Nonnie!

Jen, Instagram photo, Mickey ears, laughter & tears

Jen, Instagram photo, All my @gudetama hugging dreams | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

All my @gudetama hugging dreams coming true
Bonus points for the eggcellent dinner that Aria approved of too (you can see her curry beard in my stories 🤣) SO, so delicious and I can’t even handle that my worlds are colliding!!! Did anyone else grow up a huge @Sanrio fan?
@curryhouseusa #gudetamaxcurryhouse

Jen, Instagram photo, All my @gudetama hugging dreams

Jen, Instagram photo, Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’ | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’
Today we celebrated my niece Lexi’s 1st birthday and @linda.justme and I both can’t believe how much the babies have grown! Here are to so many more birthdays, cakes, smiles, and excuses for
We love you Lexi kitty!!!

Jen, Instagram photo, Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’

Jen, Instagram photo, Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’ | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’
Today we celebrated my niece Lexi’s 1st birthday and @linda.justme and I both can’t believe how much the babies have grown! Here are to so many more birthdays, cakes, smiles, and excuses for
We love you Lexi kitty!!!

Jen, Instagram photo, Sis’in, kissin’, and birthday wishin’

Jen, Instagram photo, As I put on this | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

As I put on this outfit, getting ready for my first black tie gala since giving birth, I honestly felt so awkward in my body as if I were a faker putting on a costume. I know the feeling of seeing other moms dressed to the nines, looking like they are effortlessly rising above as the rest of us struggle. For me, it's still a struggle. The anxiety of feeling like everyone can see through my disguise to the hyperpigmentation and stretch marks underneath, wondering if I should or shouldn't wear something because I'm a mom, and always thinking about my baby I left back at home with a babysitter is something that I can't just pretend to leave for a night. Sometimes the reality of facing what FEELS right (being in pjs at home) versus what LOOKS right on instagram becomes an internal conflict. In the end I will continue to try, even with the mental battles, so that I can look back and see that this side was still a part of me and I was just in the process of feeling comfortable being her once again. I may not be the perfect instagram model mom but I guess this is just me giving myself permission to feel all the weird facets of this in-between stage knowing I'm not alone 🌤

Jen, Instagram photo, As I put on this

Jen, Instagram photo, The strength of women is | Latest Jen’s Instagram Picture

The strength of women is immeasurable. No, this is not a flashback of my pregnancy but photos from the first weeks AFTER giving birth. I was covered in hyperpigmentation across my back and stomach and still looked heavily pregnant. I felt like my guts would spill out because my abs were so stretched and loose and the texture of my skin looked like cottage cheese. This is how I looked WITH compression leggings on (shoutout to @bellybandit because these were all I wore). Last night I uploaded my traumatic labor recovery story which is one of the hardest and most honest videos I've ever filmed, but something I felt I needed to share for anyone else who had a difficult recovery like I did and felt ashamed and alone for it. I advocated for my pain and it saved me. New moms, you are not alone, you are strong even as you feel weak and used, and your body is incredible and beautiful at EVERY stage. Things will get better physically and mentally in time but ask for help when you need it. We are in this together!
Direct link to vid is in my profile:
#momtember #postpartumbody #postpartum #bodyafterbaby

Jen, Instagram photo, The strength of women is