Katie Couric, Instagram photo, My friend Jenny Durkan is | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

My friend Jenny Durkan is the new mayor of #Seattle. I met Jenny when she was an associate at Williams & Connolly in Washington DC alongside a cute young attorney named Jay Monahan. After our first date, Jay walked into Jenny’s office and said “Last night I met the girl I’m going to marry.” Jenny is one of the nicest people I know and will do great things for the people of Seattle.

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, My friend Jenny Durkan is

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Are you addicted to tech? | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

Are you addicted to tech? For my upcoming @natgeo series I stopped by reSTART, a treatment center for people with tech and digital media addiction in Fall City, Washington. I met Dr. Hilarie Cash who gave me a questionnaire. Watch and find out if I’m addicted and if you may be too. 😬 See the full video on my YouTube channel- link in bio. Share your answers below!

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Are you addicted to tech?

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Are you addicted to tech? | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

Are you addicted to tech? For my upcoming @natgeo series I stopped by reSTART, a treatment center for people with tech and digital media addiction in Fall City, Washington. I met Dr. Hilarie Cash who gave me a questionnaire. Watch and find out if I’m addicted and if you may be too. 😬 See the full video on my YouTube channel- link in bio. Share your answers below!

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Are you addicted to tech?

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, #Repost @theellenshow #BeKindToElephants The Trump | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

#Repost @theellenshow #BeKindToElephants The Trump admin was planning to reverse an Obama-era ban on importing African elephant trophies from Zimbabwe, but they’ve put the decision on hold for now. When people like @theellenshow and others raise their voices, sometimes the chorus is heard.

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, #Repost @theellenshow #BeKindToElephants The Trump

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Just chatting with @northwesternu President | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

Just chatting with @northwesternu President Morty Schapiro about safe spaces, trigger warnings and microaggressions, which people have very strong opinions about, as I’m sure many of you do. Tell me your thoughts #letstalk

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Just chatting with @northwesternu President

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Just chatting with @northwesternu President | Latest Katie Couric’s Instagram Picture

Just chatting with @northwesternu President Morty Schapiro about safe spaces, trigger warnings and microaggressions, which people have very strong opinions about, as I’m sure many of you do. Tell me your thoughts #letstalk

Katie Couric, Instagram photo, Just chatting with @northwesternu President