Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, SWIPE LEFT | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

SWIPE LEFT! Had such a good time presenting at the @kidsinthespotlight awards! This organization is close to my heart as I've seen it grow over the past 8 years, since it's conception, and help more and more foster kids over the years realize the artistic genius inside of them that is being suppressed. They learn every aspect of filming and then shoot a short film and the stories that come out of these amazing young people will blow your mind. Many times, all they need is the opportunity. Thank you for what you continue to do @kidsinthespotlight 🏽🏽

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, SWIPE LEFT

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe left | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

Swipe left! Watch the video at your own discretion. This happened with the police department that is supposedly one of the best in the nation as far as de-escalation is concerned. But as the bustle article points out, better deescalation training doesn't fix biases and discrimination in the criminal justice and judicial systems. Make your voice heard in and outside of SLC to the mayor and senators and local officials. Same with STL! No charges in the case of Patrick Harmon. He was RIDING A BIKE WITHOUT A LIGHT!! We can't let them keep murdering & abusing black and brown people with impunity and oppressing and thwarting progress in communities of color. People shouldn't have to live in fear that the people that protect them are actually potentially there to murder them if they are having a bad day. This is not okay. This is not separate from White Supremacy, systemic racism, immigration reform, environmental justice, islamophobia, etc. This is not disconnected from #NotMyPresident encouraging police brutality. This is not separate from the talk of gun control! This is why @kaepernick7 started kneeling. Our liberty is interlinked. 🏽 #blacklivesmatter #Heretostay #nobannowall #guncontrol #PatrickHarmon #RIP

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe left

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe Left for my thoughts | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

Swipe Left for my thoughts on Vegas. Praying for those people who are affected and for the city. Praying for and demanding policy change. Praying for the dismantling of the SYSTEMS and the PEOPLE that prop up and encourage this kind of violence. Praying that people are aware of the medias polite framing of this horror. By Nevada state law, this IS an act of domestic terrorism. And as you will see if you swipe left, this is the largest mass shooting in RECENT HISTORY and they only seem to be getting worse BUT this is NOT the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. The largest mass shootings were acts of white supremacist terrorism. From 300 Lakota men women and children in 1890, to the massacre of the affluent black community in Tulsa in 1921 and several others, this is important in the framing of this act of domestic terrorism. Politicians are QUICK to jump on a Muslim ban, or a wall, or ICE, or war on drugs aka war on POCs, or heightened security at airports, etc, when violence is associated with a person of color. But they constantly diminish the threat when it specifically targets people of color and/OR when the violence is carried out by white people. This impedes the urgent need for change. This violence affects ALL of us. We ALL must demand change. Together. Call these acts what they are to push this urgent need for reform. White supremacy is not separate from the NRA, not separate from environmental justice, nor the specific oppression of certain ethnicities or the broad economic oppression of the masses regardless of race/ethnic background. It is ALL interconnected. We need to pray and take these prayers and turn them into DEMANDS and ACTION. Swipe left. #PrayforVegas #guncontrol #domesticterrorism

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Swipe Left for my thoughts

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, SWIPE LEFT I felt very | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

SWIPE LEFT I felt very 007 with this suit on the carpet for #WhiteFamous! I figured it was appropriate since my character is British A little black Bond aspirational White Famous dealio happening here? I digress. Oct 15 premiering the first two episodes of @sho_whitefamous make sure you tune in! In a comedic way, it deals with the intersection of race & fame in the most seemingly "liberal" of spaces: Hollywood! How people of color have to not only deal with everything that comes with fame (invasion of privacy, compromising morals etc) but also dealing with life, kids, dating and everything good & bad that comes with being a person of color! What is White Famous? Simply: Fame & mainstream and beauty being defined by whiteness. SWIPE LEFT for more fun moments from the premiere. (styled by @karenraphael )

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, SWIPE LEFT I felt very

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Some great news | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

Some great news! Remember that bill that myself & @the_annadiop joined @cut_50 & @antirecidivismcoalition in lobbying for at the Capitol?! All of the bills passed!! Congrats @cut_50 & thank you for your organizing efforts! Thank you for allowing me to work with you on this and be a part of your hard work! We still have so much more to do as California is so far behind even my home state Texas in reform! TEXAS already had some of these reforms in place. The thing that continues to be baffling to me is how far behind our seemingly liberal spaces, like California, are in reforming "our" justice system to be just and indiscriminate. Things like bail reform, my hometown Houston, Harris County passed bail reform after it was deemed unconstitutional and discriminatory by Judge Rosenthal. Now @kamalaharris is pushing a bill to do this nationwide! We need to support it. We have work to do! Let's get to it. Still, this is a great win! #racialjustice #cjreform #heretostay #blacklivesmatter #cut50

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, Some great news

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, THIS is representation | Latest Kendrick Sampson’s Instagram Picture

THIS is representation. Well written, entertaining, heartfelt and funny. This episode had so many layers and addressed so many issues, written by hands that understood and deeply cared about such issues. Culture, intellectual diversity, discrimination and artistic activism & intersectionality. If you haven't watched this episode. Watch it. CONGRATULATIONS @lenawaithe & @azizansari @masterofnone Watch the show. 🏽🏾🏿🏼 (pic: @dinorawalcott)

Kendrick Sampson, Instagram photo, THIS is representation