Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Ever find yourself in a | Latest Lauren Keke Palmer’s Instagram Picture

Ever find yourself in a bad mood and can’t pin point WHY? Me too. Everytime I have to check myself and the company I keep! How am I letting people treat ME, if not good then why am I surprised that “me” is so upset? It’s my responsibility, as a bo$$ 🏾 , to keep my air clean.. otherwise I have no room to complain.

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Ever find yourself in a

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Ever find yourself in a | Latest Lauren Keke Palmer’s Instagram Picture

Ever find yourself in a bad mood and can’t pin point WHY? Me too. Everytime I have to check myself and the company I keep! How am I letting people treat ME, if not good then why am I surprised that “me” is so upset? It’s my responsibility, as a bo$$ 🏾 , to keep my air clean.. otherwise I have no room to complain.

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Ever find yourself in a

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Having many people “like” you, | Latest Lauren Keke Palmer’s Instagram Picture

Having many people “like” you, doesn’t always mean they like YOU. Sometimes it means you’re seen as an object or possible conquest. No matter how seriously you take yourself. Some may not ever. It’s a dangerous game feeding those that only feed the idea of who you are than who you really are. Good luck deciphering between the two while social media tries to confuse you. 🖤

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Having many people “like” you,

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Having many people “like” you, | Latest Lauren Keke Palmer’s Instagram Picture

Having many people “like” you, doesn’t always mean they like YOU. Sometimes it means you’re seen as an object or possible conquest. No matter how seriously you take yourself. Some may not ever. It’s a dangerous game feeding those that only feed the idea of who you are than who you really are. Good luck deciphering between the two while social media tries to confuse you. 🖤

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Having many people “like” you,

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Nothing is ever that bad, | Latest Lauren Keke Palmer’s Instagram Picture

Nothing is ever that bad, or that sad, it just seems that way. Whatever you “lose” was never yours and whatever embarrassed you, doesn’t have to. Everything is a choice. We can feed into whatever emotion we want whenever we wish. When you arrive at the truth that life isn’t rid of tragedies, period, you can then decide if you would rather see it as a comedy or a drama. I choose comedy and a parody at that, because everything is funny when you realize we are all one anyway. It’s only serious when we take ourselves too seriously. When we fall too in love with the “me” instead of what created “us”. We all die someday and that’s not a bad thing, to me. So have fun and live life in this special way. Overthinking it takes too long and it’ll be over with a blink of the eye

Lauren Keke Palmer, Instagram photo, Nothing is ever that bad,