Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, Love these folks | Latest Carrie Ann Inaba’s Instagram Picture

Love these folks! My team, they have become a family for me. We laugh, we cry and we say pretty much everything on our mind.#nofilter Here’s to family and another #productive day. @mikeystyles @makeupjojo @stevegberg @dancingabc #judgesremptiondance #TheFinalsAreComing

Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, Love these folks

Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, Love these folks | Latest Carrie Ann Inaba’s Instagram Picture

Love these folks! My team, they have become a family for me. We laugh, we cry and we say pretty much everything on our mind.#nofilter Here’s to family and another #productive day. @mikeystyles @makeupjojo @stevegberg @dancingabc #judgesremptiondance #TheFinalsAreComing

Carrie Ann Inaba, Instagram photo, Love these folks