Timothy Sykes, Instagram photo, My student stevendux_1994 has turned | Latest Timothy Sykes’s Instagram Picture

My student @stevendux_1994 has turned $27,000 into $900,000+ in the past year #stocktrading and just gave an incredible webinar to other Challenge students for the past 2 hours, but I want you to only like this video and leave a comment if you are excited to see the full 40+ minute video interview we recorded a few days ago when I met him in #miamibeach for the first time. A lot of people are surprised that I can successfully teach people online that I#039;ve never met, that#039;s the beauty of new technology, being real and now having thousands of hours of live #stockmarket tutorials, but you must be #dedicated like Steven has been to truly maximize the opportunity and achieve #financialfreedom and the #dreamlife so let#039;s see what you#039;ve got! #ilovemyjob #proudteacher #dreamjob #pennystocks #honoraryjew #edjewcation