Noah Guthrie, Instagram photo, Sorry folks, this is a | Latest Noah Guthrie’s Instagram Picture

Sorry folks, this is a long one.// Today I'm taking a LONG drive up North with my brother for a couple of shows and after the events of yesterday I'm feeling overwhelmed with many different emotions. (Mostly anger and sadness) Right now though, I am thankful that I still have all my loved ones close to me. Ian and I are incredibly close and sometimes I take for granted just how much of a gift that is. If anything were to happen to him it would leave an emptiness in me that I wouldn't know what to do with, or how to fill. For those of you in Las Vegas and around the country that are grieving the loss of a loved one today, I can't even imagine what you must be feeling and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that a senseless act of violence by a man with a gun was allowed to change your futures so drastically. It isn't right and there's nothing I can say on here that can make it any better but I wanted to let you all know that I love you and I hope that the road forward leads to great strength, love, and healing. #lasvegas

Noah Guthrie, Instagram photo, Sorry folks, this is a

Noah Guthrie, Instagram photo, Sorry folks, this is a | Latest Noah Guthrie’s Instagram Picture

Sorry folks, this is a long one.// Today I'm taking a LONG drive up North with my brother for a couple of shows and after the events of yesterday I'm feeling overwhelmed with many different emotions. (Mostly anger and sadness) Right now though, I am thankful that I still have all my loved ones close to me. Ian and I are incredibly close and sometimes I take for granted just how much of a gift that is. If anything were to happen to him it would leave an emptiness in me that I wouldn't know what to do with, or how to fill. For those of you in Las Vegas and around the country that are grieving the loss of a loved one today, I can't even imagine what you must be feeling and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that a senseless act of violence by a man with a gun was allowed to change your futures so drastically. It isn't right and there's nothing I can say on here that can make it any better but I wanted to let you all know that I love you and I hope that the road forward leads to great strength, love, and healing. #lasvegas

Noah Guthrie, Instagram photo, Sorry folks, this is a