Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Welcome to the world Logan | Latest Sarah Stage’s Instagram Picture

Welcome to the world Logan Alexander 🏻 Born October 16th at 1:20pm #7pounds2ounces 🏼 We prayed, planned, and wished for a healthy and happy baby boy. We received all we wished for and now our family is complete Thank you for all of the support, we appreciate it !

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Welcome to the world Logan

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Baby will be here next | Latest Sarah Stage’s Instagram Picture

Baby will be here next week or sooner!🤰🏻 Did your baby come early , late or right on your due date? 🏻 I wanted to shoutout all the lovely ladies who have started my Fitness Guide and Nutrition Plan! I’m so proud of you 🏼 #girlpower #9monthspregnant #38weeks5daysButWhosCounting

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Baby will be here next

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, #38weekspregnant 🤰Fav time of year | Latest Sarah Stage’s Instagram Picture

#38weekspregnant 🤰🏻Fav time of year What should the 4 of us be this year? @styledbyfp has so many cute #halloweencostumes it’s hard to pick just one !
Btw I have a code sarahXo for you to get 20% off all @styledbyfp costumes 🏼

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, #38weekspregnant 🤰Fav time of year

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Baby #2 is almost here | Latest Sarah Stage’s Instagram Picture

Baby #2 is almost here and I can’t help but reflect on how amazing our bodies are for growing a sweet baby! Taking extra care of myself during these last months of pregnancy is so important and thats why I wear my @Avawomen bracelet every night. I wear it to bed in order to track my sleep, heart rate variability (stress indicator) and resting pulse rate. The Ava app also gives me information on baby development each week. After my little guy arrives I will continue to wear my Ava bracelet to track my cycle and health as I return to pre-pregnancy workouts. If you're trying to get pregnant, the #avabracelet detects your 5 most fertile days in real time. Spread the baby love! Use my code: SARAHSTAGE for $20 off @avawomen

Sarah Stage, Instagram photo, Baby #2 is almost here