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So as most of you probably know, Scott Pruitt, who has known ties to the big oil and fossil fuel industry, was just recently voted in as administrator of the @epagov This man has zero qualifications to lead such an organization. In fact his only history with the EPA is over a dozen lawsuits against it! He has continually come up against the EPA in order to reduce regulations like the clean power plan and the clean water act (that help clean up our air and water from harmful pollution) so that big oil companies amp; industry can continue to pollute without paying the price. Unfortunately, he is a far cry from our former Administrator, Gina McCarthy (who I was fortunate enough to get to know over the past few years). Someone who understands that the health of humanity is 100% linked to the health of our planet. There is a list of all of the senators who voted for Scott Pruitt. I highly recommend you check out the list on @protectourwinters and remember these names come 2018 and 2020 when these same politicians, who just voted against our future health and the health of the planet, want OUR vote. I will not forget that my Colorado Senator @sencorygardner voted YES for Pruitt. We lost out to big oil and big wallets this time. But we will not stop fighting for a healthy amp; sustainable future filled with snow and outdoor adventures! #protectourwinters #standupforit 🌎