Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, “In any version of reality | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

"In any version of reality. I'd find you and I'd choose you." – The Chaos of Stars

Sometimes when the world feels overwhelming, grounding yourself into love, family, and community changes everything. Being reminded of the point of it all. Witnessing what makes life worth living.

This weekend, my chosen family and I got to do just that. We went #treebathing, we slept by a river and danced under the stars. We sat and witnessed one of the greatest love stories we know, solidify itself into a marriage. And @brittdeyan and I got our interior decorators on and built #FortFinck. The entire experience was invigorating, inspiring, and so full of love that my heart is still overflowing.

Truly, in any version of reality, I would chose all of you. #ForeverFincks #Fernwood #BigSur (and since I know folks will ask, I'll tag everything I know the brands on! Just tap )

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, "In any version of reality

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Dear Law Makers: “In the same | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

Dear Law Makers:
“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” – James 2:17
We demand action. Your pattern of offering lifeless condolences with no follow-through will not be tolerated any longer. You work for us. You are not keeping us safe. We can vote you out. Soon.
Stop insulting us by hiding your profiteering behind religious words. It's ugly and painfully obvious.
Sincerely, A Gun Owner Who WANTS Sensible Gun Laws + Every Other American Who Is Sick of the Slaughter.
@huffpostwomen #PeopleOverProfit

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Dear Law Makers:
“In the same

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, 10/22/17 | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

sleep is not coming.
anger is the gnawing, nauseating pang that keeps you up past 3am.
screaming is what your insides do when you give them just enough space to breathe.
fury moved in a long time ago and set its roots.
joy still exists.
make no mistake.
they are not mutually exclusive.
it is hard won, and worth fighting for.
but if you mistake my joy, other women's joy, to mean there is an absence of pain?
we will burn you to the ground when we open our mouths to share our rage.
you are not entitled to more pieces of us than we are ready to share.
be very careful what you wish for, when it comes to information.
you just might get it.
and once you've seen, you can never unsee.
sometimes we withhold to protect your eyes.

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, 10/22/17

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, 10/22/17 | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

sleep is not coming.
anger is the gnawing, nauseating pang that keeps you up past 3am.
screaming is what your insides do when you give them just enough space to breathe.
fury moved in a long time ago and set its roots.
joy still exists.
make no mistake.
they are not mutually exclusive.
it is hard won, and worth fighting for.
but if you mistake my joy, other women's joy, to mean there is an absence of pain?
we will burn you to the ground when we open our mouths to share our rage.
you are not entitled to more pieces of us than we are ready to share.
be very careful what you wish for, when it comes to information.
you just might get it.
and once you've seen, you can never unsee.
sometimes we withhold to protect your eyes.

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, 10/22/17