Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, To quote one of my | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

To quote one of my favorite pieces of street art … "Don't call me a 'boss bitch.' Call me the boss, bitch." šŸ¼
I could not be more proud or more excited to put on my executive producer cap and get to work @20thcenturyfox #TheDreamIsFree #TheHustleIsSoldSeparately

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, To quote one of my

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Ruthie | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

Ruthie. Sister. My sweet angel. Today is your birthday. And oh Santa Jesus Universe Dumbledore I am SO grateful that I got to start my day with you. AND with breakfast burritos!? Come on! Ru. I am in awe of you. I cannot believe I get to do life with you. To call you at all goddamn hours of the day and night with joy and pain. To FaceTime. To travel. To walk with you. To experience sunsets and long flights and success and heartache with you. To eat caviar in Paris and pee in bushes in the middle of nowhere in the New Mexico desert on road trips. You are my tall twin. My adventure partner. My ride or die. My sisterwife. You have given me the gift of the "me, too" and the "both, and." You have helped me to begin to learn to see myself in new ways because of the way that you see me. You are a magical friend. My wish is that everyone finds a friendship like the one we have. My wish for you, this year, is that the love you show the world comes back to you in exponential multipliers. And that you see yourself the way I see you. The way our group of friends sees you. The way that you see sunsets. Look at the sky, sister. That beauty is a reflection of YOU. We are all so lucky. "UH! LOOK!" That's you. I hope you get unlimited topos and spicy margariris all damn day. Bouquets of wildflowers. Massages. Hugs. And Tupac. I LUH YA! #sisterwife #sistersister

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Ruthie

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MeToo ā€¢ ā€œIf all the women who | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

ā€œIf all the women who have been sexually assaulted or harassed use ā€˜Me, tooā€™ as a status update, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem.ā€
It's shocking to see how many men are shocked. That women they know, perhaps even EVERY woman they know, has been sexually harassed. Sexually assaulted. This problem reaches farther than Harvey. Or Donald. (Both of whom, by the way, I hope get their due.) We live in a country where 1 in 4 women is assaulted or raped by the time she leaves college. And those numbers come from what gets reported. Estimates put the true stats at 1 in 2. Half of all women. By the age of 22. And if you scoff at that reality, you are part of the problem. If you are feeling a little uneasy, wondering if your behavior is part of the problem? It is. I promise you. If you're a woman who has been manipulated or bullied into feeling like her assault was her fault? It was not. There is no excuse for the behavior of abusers. And so many abusers are adept as psychological and emotionally abuse, thus masterful manipulators.
And if you're one of those men that I know? One of those men whose palms are sweating reading this? Wondering if your names are about to be exposed because of what you've done? How you've abused. How you've twisted. How you've lied. Good. Sweat. Be afraid. Welcome to our world. And watch your backs. We have looked over our shoulders in fear, every day and night, for long enough. Your turn. To you abusers and the ones who stood by and stayed silent? Consider this your notice. From me and from women everywhere. We are roaring, alright.
#MeToo #WomenWhoRoar

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MeToo
ā€œIf all the women who

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Okay ONE more because I | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

Okay ONE more because I love @luvvie! #SuperSoul100 sister. Casual NYTimes best-selling-author. And a smile that'll light up a room for days with a heart to match. #SundayFunDay #SuperSoulSunday @oprah #WisdomOfSundays (if you haven't read Luvvie's book, #ImJudgingYou, do yourself a favor and catch up! )

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Okay ONE more because I

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Talk about a #FierceFemaleFriday | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

Talk about a #FierceFemaleFriday. Watching @therealdebramessing receive her much deserved star on the Walk of Fame today was simply incredible.
Mariska spoke about what an incredible friend Debra is, and her magnificent heart. Max Mutchnick, one of the creators of Will And Grace, spoke about her Lucille Ball-level talent and whip smart wit. And a representative of the city hit the nail on the head, discussing her philanthropy. Debra is an angel in the city of angels.
She has paved the way, through art, for people to see into worlds that are different than their own. She has opened hearts and minds, reminding us that we are all more alike than different, and made us laugh all the while. She has been a fearless champion for the less fortunate, the LGBTQ community, and those affected by HIV/AIDS. She is a triple threat, multiplied countless times over.
Debra, it's an honor to be your friend. It was an honor to be there today. And I cannot wait to see what you tackle next. You're an absolute LEGEND! #sistersister #sisterhood #resisterhood

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Talk about a #FierceFemaleFriday

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

#MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need to be women visual in our every day landscape, working hard and doing their own thing, whether you like it or not, whether itā€™s acceptable or notā€¦I especially hope to inspire young women because often I feel like so much emphasis is put on how beautiful you are, and how thin you are, and not a lot of emphasis is put on what you can do and how smart you are. Iā€™d like to change that, change the emphasis of whatā€™s important when looking at a woman.ā€ ā€” Margaret Kilgallen
via @ohyeswewill

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

#MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need to be women visual in our every day landscape, working hard and doing their own thing, whether you like it or not, whether itā€™s acceptable or notā€¦I especially hope to inspire young women because often I feel like so much emphasis is put on how beautiful you are, and how thin you are, and not a lot of emphasis is put on what you can do and how smart you are. Iā€™d like to change that, change the emphasis of whatā€™s important when looking at a woman.ā€ ā€” Margaret Kilgallen
via @ohyeswewill

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, #MondayMantra ā€œI believe there need

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Well #Emmys2017 weekend was sure | Latest Sophia Bush’s Instagram Picture

Well #Emmys2017 weekend was sure fun. Shoutout to all the brilliant, bold, thoughtful women in my industry who are tireless advocates, and inspire me constantly. Y'all are genius on your shows and even more hilarious in life.
Also to the team that somehow manages to get the construction dust off of me and shove me out the door looking like a lady. I don't know how y'all do it! @ecduzit @patrickta @chadwoodhair @fabiolamakeup @josephmaine šŸ–¤ (tap for credits) #latergram #tbt

Sophia Bush, Instagram photo, Well #Emmys2017 weekend was sure