Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, It’s an honour to be | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

It’s an honour to be apart of this powerful campaign in supporting @cricketaustralia and the Australian Women’s Cricket Team ahead of the Ashes.

Australian women are incredible!
We’ve all had to beat something in our lives and breakthrough limitations, both personal and professional.

For me, I was fortunate enough to make my dreams come true and beat the world record line. So now I’m getting behind the @southernstars to #BeatEngland in the Women’s Ashes series 🏏

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, It’s an honour to be

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, This photo almost always brings | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

This photo almost always brings me to tears.
This was from my first school swimming carnival and I was so proud to wear my house colours and compete. Holding my 3rd place ribbon so mum could document the moment (even if it is upside down ) In primary school I was incredibly shy and didn’t have many friends at all … swimming was my safe place, my place to build confidence and inner strength. When other girls at school started recognising me and including me due to my swimming success it made me feel so good.

Before, I would reply on other people, external gratifications (like sponsorships & awards) & fame for my own reassurance & fulfilment.
Whilst it seems like athletes have it all together on the outside, sometimes it’s not the case on the inside due to these early memories and the belief system we create.

Since moving on from swimming I realise that no one else can fill me up, but me. I’m the one that needs to do the work and in turn, no one can ever take anything from me … we all hold the power within!
This is why I believe so many athletes and high achieving individuals struggle when the shinny moment of success passes. We need to teach people to build their worth from within and I guarantee in will shine out into more success.

These past 4 years I have worked on being the best version of myself everyday and continuing to, Be The Best I Can Be. I’ve learnt life changing lessons and tools to build myself up from the inside out.
I was always curious why my path seemed so emotionally tough, but now I know for sure it’s because I needed to experience it for myself so I can be a guide, support & light worker for others. Nothing fills my soul more that contributing to other people’s lives positivity and helping them, Be The Best They Can Be.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, This photo almost always brings

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Gifting daddy with these incredible | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Gifting daddy with these incredible @lululemonausnz workout clothes on Father's Day so he looks the part on his weekly rides 🚴🏽 My dad is such an inspiration to me. He has always been super fit and regimented. 5 years ago he had sudden open heart surgery and was told he couldn't do anything at full exertion again. Most people would quit and sit on the couch all day, but not my dad. He still rides 3 times a week, walks almost daily, takes my brother to all his mountain biking comps, maintains all the house building projects (he was a builder) and has a positive attitude.

I love you daddy … you're the a true rockstar in my eyes. Happy belated Father's Day!! As my dad doesn't have Instagram, I'm sure he will be told about this from @mitchriiice or Anne-Louise who have me on all their alerts

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Gifting daddy with these incredible

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Still reminiscing on how delicious | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Still reminiscing on how delicious these VEGAN chocolate mousse's were the other weekend, topped with @bioglanau Maple Cashews.
They were literally the best topping for added crunch and texture, so next time you're at a pharmacy, make sure you add those to your basket…you won't be disappointed!! If you're wanting to still eat desert, but on a health kick, try these or some other healthy deserts from my e-book.
The link is in my BIO

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Still reminiscing on how delicious

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, I just want to say | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

I just want to say a massive thank you to all the amazing souls out there who have posted such wonderful messages about my @racerice BARS.

It#039;s so heartwarming to read these posts and hear your feedback, as I#039;ve worked really hard to ensure the bars are a premium product that actually fuels you with good quantity nutrients.
So many snack items on supermarket shelves are loaded with fake sugars, additives, preservatives, chemicals, fillers etc … in order to make them last longer and cheaper to make.
That was NOT something I was willing to compromise on, as I know enough about the body, health and nutrition to know that that shit ain#039;t good for you and whilst it might make me more money, it#039;s not about that. To me, it#039;s about providing everyone of you, with a snack, that helps you to live a healthy life.

So thanks again to:
If you would like to buy some bars, you can go to or click the link in my BIO.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, It was an honour to | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

It was an honour to speak to the group of leaders within @glencoreplc today in Emerald.
Nothing brings me more fulfilment that being able to share my journey, experiences and advice in order to positively effect others.
Some of the main points I spoke about today were:
1) Having an unbeatable preparation – working hard behind the scenes so you are able to stand up when the time counts, flick into autopilot and deliver with confidence.
2) Control the Controllables – don#039;t spend time focusing on what you can#039;t do or on what others might do … think only about what YOU can control and do that to the best of you#039;re ability.
3) Take time to work on yourself – It#039;s the most important work you can do, because who you are inside will determine what your outside world looks and feels like. Take just 10-15 mins a day alone, walking, meditating, whatever (without phones) and just listen to what#039;s going on in between your ears. What do you need to work on? What do you need to let go of ? How could you be better? What brings you the most fulfilment?

At the end of that day, to be the best at something, you have to work bloody hard. It#039;s not going to magically happen overnight. Be consistent and be willing to GRIND. Hard work that comes from a place of positive desire and purpose, always pays off.

If your interested in hearing some of the messages amp; lessons I have learnt on my journey to better serve your company or clients, please email Tess (the links in my BIO)

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Finally having a bit of | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Finally having a bit of a night out on the town!!! Let#039;s see if I can last past 10.30 before the yawns start…seriously feel old sometimes.
I think having such big weeks that by the time the weekend rolls around I#039;m exhausted.

Hope your all having a wonderful night, sending you so much love

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Sending everyone a Big SMILE | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Sending everyone a Big SMILE for a wonderful afternoon.
Remember, we are all able to control our emotions and feelings … it#039;s about becoming more aware of the thoughts you think and the internal conversation you are having.

When you notice yourself being critical, reinforce the fact that you are progressing well, making good choices and always learning.

There#039;s nothing wrong with a bit of conflict in your life because it clearly shows you what you don#039;t want, so you can clearly determine what you do want.

Instead of being hard on yourself in these times, remind yourself that life is happening FOR YOU, not TO YOU. Quickly learn the lessons you need to learn, so you can move forward positively.

That#039;s they key to happiness in my opinion … not trying to show the world your happy amp; have it all together when deep down you don#039;t…just be authentic and real with yourself. We all experience conflicts, it#039;s about how you get through them that counts!!