Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, During the week, I don #039;t | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

During the week, I don#039;t like to spend lots of time working out. I prefer to just get in and get it done so I can focus my energy on business projects.
So when it comes to the weekend, I love getting outside in the fresh air and going for long walks.
When I was swimming I always thought walking was so boring and a waste of time because it wasn#039;t physically that challenging. But now I frikken love it. More so for the mental freedom it bring me. Being able to let my mind wonder and sort through all the different feelings that are present within my mind at the time and find clarity or reason behind them.
Walking allows me to be quot;in flowquot; and I always find myself in a better headspace after a walk. It#039;s even better walking with someone because you can reach such depths in the conversation … @courtyhickey and I love going on manifesting walks where we talk about everything we desire, goals for the future and what is will be like.
They are seriously Magic

Find the reason you choose to love exercising your body … and if you can#039;t do that, think of what would happen if you didn#039;t workout … what are the consequences??

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Morning inspiration from Napoleon Hill | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Morning inspiration from Napoleon Hill to keep progressing towards our goals. quot;Without a major purpose, you are drifting toward certain failure.

In achieving the goals you have set for yourself, there are only two alternatives: Either you are moving toward your goal, or you are drifting away from it. Choose your purpose in life and attack it with a vengeance. When you have the courage of your convictions, when the choice is one you’ve made for yourself, you will have the strength to persevere until you succeed.quot; Keep up the great work everyone!! The grind is definitely tough, but when you start seeing your hard work payoff it makes all those shit days SO WORTH IT!!
There#039;s always positives to be taken from every day…it#039;s just a matter of shifting your perception.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Happy Sunday my loves Thank you | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Happy Sunday my loves

Thank you for your patience and understanding last week after selling out of it Berry Coconut Bars.
We have restocked the warehouse full of this delicious flavour just in time for our Easter Sale
The bars are only $29.99 for a 12 pack of high quality nutritional bars.

I love reading your emails and connecting with each of you…it#039;s what makes this business so special to me.
At the end of the day, I made these bars for YOU and your kids. I didn#039;t, and won#039;t ever compromise on quality so you know you are getting incredibly good value for money and total transparency on the integrity of the product.
To me, that#039;s what#039;s lacking in the market right now and I choose to be a company that always does what#039;s best for the consumers, not just what#039;s going to bring me in the The bars are available only through the website which is in the BIO.

Love to you all

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, People ask me for fitness | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

People ask me for fitness and food motivation/inspiration all the time.
Simply put, I workout NOW because it makes me more energised, focused and calm.
Without energy, you can#039;t conquer any dreams or goals.
That#039;s why I value my health so much, and I will always be consistent because I KNOW how much it benefits my life holistically.

Most people know how to eat healthy and know they should workout, but don#039;t follow through with the action.
Stop limiting yourself by what you have always done and start creating the life you want to live … it all starts with having ENERGY to make a change.
I have collated a book to help you along your fitness journey, so if you think you would benefit from some extra advice and information, get a copy of quot;The Art Of Wellnessquot; on iBooks (IN BIO) and take the action towards a better future.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Dreaming of an Açaí bowl | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Dreaming of an Açaí bowl for breaky, especially in this heat!! I have done a lot research into different foods and diets and found some disappointing things.

The food industry, in my opinion, is so frikken confusing. They make it so hard to decider what#039;s good for you and what#039;s not. Labels like quot;fat freequot; make you think it#039;s healthy but generally when you look at the label there are a bunch of additives, preservatives and chemicals that are added to it to make it fat free.
Most people really want to make the right choices and live a healthy life, so adding add some superfoods into their diet can be of great benefit.

Wether it#039;s:
Adding some chia seeds to your cereal/porridge
Putting a small tsp of green power, maca powder or Açaí to your smoothies for help alkalise your system.
Throwing some goji berries in your lunch time salad.

Adding superfoods to your meals can help boost your nutritional intake and help support your body#039;s functions. Plus they are clean, natural and full of goodness.
m not a huge fan of making recommendations but I highly encourage everyone to go to your local chemist and buy a few different packets of @bioglanau superfoods.
They are top quality and because they are all in the one spot, you don#039;t have to feel overwhelmed by options.

I would love your feedback on your experiences with superfoods and how it has helped you. Share below so we can all continue to improve our health and further our knowledge.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Feeling free and open minded | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Feeling free and open minded to the world of possibilities after a magical walk along the beach this afternoon.
I#039;ve been dreaming of living at the beach so much lately because it livens up my little soul
I#039;m excited about traveling, expanding my knowledge and continually working on myself to be the best Stephanie I can be in all aspects of my life.
Sending love and light to you all!!!

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Having a lovely weekend away | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Having a lovely weekend away with the girls for my Aunty#039;s birthday!! I cherish these moments so much, being able to all come together, unwind and connect.
Thank you mummy for organising everything
From Left: Aunty Jen, Mumma, Me, @courtyhickey and Grandma … all the Yugoslavians coming together 🏼

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Finally got to meet the | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Finally got to meet the gorgeous @charlottecaslick and eat Açaí bowls together.
What a superstar she is!!!
The best part about being an Olympian is that you are apart of such a unique team and share a deep respect for all other Olympians.
It doesn#039;t matter the sport they play or country they compete for, you just respect and understand the journey they have been on and what it took to get there.
What is especially amazing is that @charlottecaslick won GOLD 🥇 in the women#039;s Rugby 7#039;s team in RIO … the first gold EVERRRR for the sport as it was just introduced in 2016.
Well done hunny, so wonderful to chat and connect … you superstar

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Monday morning means back into | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Monday morning means back into some exercise and routine. Because I had a HUGE weekend working the @racerice stall I was pretty exhausted this morning, so I just did a nice light workout.
Only about 20mins long, just to get the blood flowing and loosen up my muscles.
The thing to remember with exercise is that you should operate in harmony with the other aspects of your life. Take a holistic approach!! So if your tired and run down from your day job or work, then don#039;t smash yourself with an intense workout and make yourself more exhausted and create more cortisol in your system.
Listen intuitively to what your body is calling out for… Is it a light walk in the fresh air!
Or a great yoga class to really stretch out and come back to balance.
Or maybe it#039;s a high intensity, sweat session to get out of your head.

This is why I don#039;t like to follow a program as such, because we all have different lives and different tolerance levels for stress. Don#039;t always just do what you#039;re quot;told to doquot; think about what#039;s best for you.

There is a fine line between slacking off and genuinely needing to take it easy. In my experience, 1 will make you feel guilty deep down and the other with nourish you.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Loved meeting Ethan and Bailey | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Loved meeting Ethan and Bailey at our stall this morning at the @mbsfestival … there both super keen young swimmers and loved the Banana Burst SuperCharged Bars!! It#039;s been a super busy few days here and I#039;m looking forward to a goodnight sleep tonight that#039;s for sure.

All the best with the upcoming comps guys!! Love