Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Look at this cutie who | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Look at this cutie who tried some of my @racerice bars today then got a pack of Berry Coconut.
I#039;ve just LOVED meeting everyone these past couple of days and getting everyone#039;s feedback, it#039;s been so overwhelmingly positive 🏼🤗 so grateful!

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, It #039;s so exciting to be | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

It#039;s so exciting to be doing our first festival for @racerice here at @mbsfestival 🏼🤸🏽‍♂ Considering we are here all weekend offering a discount, I felt it was only fair to offer that to you amazing guys as well 🤗 So for this weekend ONLY the box of bars are $35 and include FREE SHIPPING over $50 (so get you hands on 2 boxes for some post exercise nutrition and recovery fuel)

Seeing as though I have a lot of international followers, I#039;m offering the same FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the world 🌍🌎 The link to the @racerice website is in my BIO!!
Comment below with what your favourite flavour is
(mine is the Choc Banana…perfect for the 3pm pick me up)

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Well today has been a | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Well today has been a shocker.
I woke up exhausted after a horrific dream I was getting chased by a snake in a swimming pool. I#039;m absolutely petrified of snakes, even the word gives me shivers. I actually just googled quot;what does it mean when you dream of snakesquot; and this BIG ARSE IMAGE of a snake came up and I screamed out loud and threw my phone across the kitchen (definitely need to work on that)

Anyway, I wanted to share my less than sensational day openly because that#039;s life and my truth right now.
My mind has been in overdrive the past few weeks and I sometimes feel slightly overwhelmed by the amount of projects I#039;ve taken on, plus running my business @racerice as well as some exciting sponsorships, speaking events and partnerships in India. Ohh and writing a book for goals setting with @migoals
I would love more help but also know I need to continue to work through this challenging time doing the best I can. I believe we only get presented the challenges that we are able to handle and it#039;s about finding the inner strength to maintain a positive perspective.
Would I throw it all away for an quot;easierquot; life, no frikken way … although could go for a vacay to BALI 🏝#justsaying
But what I do know for sure is the satisfaction and pride of standing on the Olympic podium after many endured setbacks was sooo much more enjoyable that just an easy win.
You have to be able to handle the tough times to be rewarded the good times… so here#039;s to the good times that are rollin#039; in 🏽🏼

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN #039;S DAY to | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN#039;S DAY to all the inspiring, hard working and dedicated females out there.

Today is a chance to reflect on your journey this far and celebrate the incredible growth you have made.

I believe so strongly in supporting other women and empowering them towards their dreams and goals. Nothing makes me happier than seeing women succeed when you know they truly deserve it…especially in business!! It is my belief that women can run huge businesses just as well as men. My best friend @sallyanneferguson is shining proof of that and inspires me everyday!

Do women need men, ABSOLUTELY!!! We all need to work together to achieve greatness and equality.
So whilst today is all about women, I would also like to say a huge thank you to all the supportive and encouraging men out there that allow us the opportunity to shine


Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, What a blessing it was | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

What a blessing it was to be able to shoot for an incredible magazine today in Sydney and contribute to such a meaningful story.
I#039;m so excited to share it with you in the coming weeks as I truly hope the story will help so many others

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Free Shipping on all racerice | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Free Shipping on all @racerice bars ends in 30mins!!!
Get yourself a 3 pack of all the delish flavours so you#039;re all stocked up for the big week ahead. (link in Bio) quot;Failing to prepare is preparing to failquot; … my coach used to say this ALL THE TIME. Sometimes I hated hearing it, but without a doubt is the only reason I succeeded.
Preparation is key!! #SuperchargedBar

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Happy Sunday to my lovely | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Happy Sunday to my lovely community here on Instagram

Today is the final day of our FREE SHIPPING on all @racerice Australian orders so if you want to save yourself $10 make sure you order today (link in BIO)

It#039;s also a great to day get yourself organised for the week ahead with school lunches, work snacks and post workout recovery fuel. Being organised and proactive is the key to improving your health and having quick options to grab on the go can be a lifesaver when you live busy lives.

Take care of your body, invest in your health and you will reap all the rewards.

What are you guys doing this Sunday to prepare for the week ahead?? #SuperchargedBar

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, Words to live by but | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

Words to live by 🏼 but often easier said than done.

No one else can truly love you until you learn to live yourself!
This was a huge lesson for me to learn and work through.

Love your body, love your beauty, love your work ethic, love your progress, love your life.

Loving these aspects of yourself doesn#039;t meant that you have to accept that quot;this is the way it#039;s always going to bequot; but you do need to acknowledge that#039;s this is where I am now and in order to progress or change this aspect of myself I need to love myself and move forward in a positive, kind way.

This is why, in my opinion, so many people yo-yo diet, because they are trying to change from a place of hating themselves.
Use that desire and desperation as a positive power and say quot;I am changing this about me because I care for myself and know I deserve better.quot;
That fuel will power you towards great things.

Change your perception …. Change your life!