Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, This photo almost always brings | Latest Stephanie Rice’s Instagram Picture

This photo almost always brings me to tears.
This was from my first school swimming carnival and I was so proud to wear my house colours and compete. Holding my 3rd place ribbon so mum could document the moment (even if it is upside down ) In primary school I was incredibly shy and didn’t have many friends at all … swimming was my safe place, my place to build confidence and inner strength. When other girls at school started recognising me and including me due to my swimming success it made me feel so good.

Before, I would reply on other people, external gratifications (like sponsorships & awards) & fame for my own reassurance & fulfilment.
Whilst it seems like athletes have it all together on the outside, sometimes it’s not the case on the inside due to these early memories and the belief system we create.

Since moving on from swimming I realise that no one else can fill me up, but me. I’m the one that needs to do the work and in turn, no one can ever take anything from me … we all hold the power within!
This is why I believe so many athletes and high achieving individuals struggle when the shinny moment of success passes. We need to teach people to build their worth from within and I guarantee in will shine out into more success.

These past 4 years I have worked on being the best version of myself everyday and continuing to, Be The Best I Can Be. I’ve learnt life changing lessons and tools to build myself up from the inside out.
I was always curious why my path seemed so emotionally tough, but now I know for sure it’s because I needed to experience it for myself so I can be a guide, support & light worker for others. Nothing fills my soul more that contributing to other people’s lives positivity and helping them, Be The Best They Can Be.

Stephanie Rice, Instagram photo, This photo almost always brings