Miss Alvy, Instagram photo, Woke up really early in | Latest Miss Alvy’s Instagram Picture

Woke up really early in the morning to run for Gold Coast Commonwealth 2018's The Queen’s Baton Relay (QBR). It began at Buckingham Palace on Commonwealth Day, Monday, March 13, 2017, when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II placed her message to the Commonwealth inside the GC2018 Baton
The Baton will travel 230,000km over 388 days through 70 Commonwealth nations!! I'm lucky enough to run with the Baton today in Kuala Lumpur & get to see Borobi, the blue surfing koala and official mascot for the 2018 Games, Malaysia is the only SEA country that is able to see the mascot. WHAT A GREAT START TO THE DAY 🏻#QBR2018



Miss Alvy, Instagram photo, Woke up really early in

Miss Alvy, Instagram photo, Woke up really early in | Latest Miss Alvy’s Instagram Picture

Woke up really early in the morning to run for Gold Coast Commonwealth 2018's The Queen’s Baton Relay (QBR). It began at Buckingham Palace on Commonwealth Day, Monday, March 13, 2017, when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II placed her message to the Commonwealth inside the GC2018 Baton
The Baton will travel 230,000km over 388 days through 70 Commonwealth nations!! I'm lucky enough to run with the Baton today in Kuala Lumpur & get to see Borobi, the blue surfing koala and official mascot for the 2018 Games, Malaysia is the only SEA country that is able to see the mascot. WHAT A GREAT START TO THE DAY 🏻#QBR2018



Miss Alvy, Instagram photo, Woke up really early in