Sendi Skopljak, Instagram photo, Yesterday night I came across | Latest Sendi Skopljak’s Instagram Picture

Yesterday night I came across an article on ”breakit” where it said that @kenzas had found out that she had got ”shadowbanned” on instagram. I keept on reading the article and as much as I red, the only thought I had was ”Finally, I’m not the only one with this instagram-problem”. So, to make the story short, the article was all about how her pictures doesn’t show anymore for people that doesn’t follow her, even if she uses hashtags and she keeps loosing more followers then she gain. This is the EXACT same problem I have had for more than 1,5 year now (CHECK THE PICTURES). I don’t reach out to as many people as I did before, I get so little likes compared to before and I loose more followers then I gain. I have been struggling with this for such a long time now, thinking about what the problem can be and how I can fix it. To be honest, it has been really though since Instagram and social media is what gives me a salary and pay my bills. Yess I work with this every single day. So, you can understand how frustrated I get when I’m trying my very best and putting my heart and soul in the content I create, and it goes the wrong way. I guess that there are many other influencers who has experienced the same problem and by writing this, somewhere inside of me I still hope that Instagram will solve this issue so that me and the rest of the influencer (who have the same problem) can continue working with this and doing what we love

Sendi Skopljak, Instagram photo, Yesterday night I came across