Zoe Sugg, Instagram photo, It’s world mental health day | Latest Zoe Sugg’s Instagram Picture

It’s world mental health day so I wanted to share something that I hope will either make you feel reassured or offer you the equivalent of a caring hug through this post (I’d be squeezing you in real life if I could). If you have a mental illness, you are not alone. Those feelings you feel where everything is SO intense and you think you couldn’t possibly cope with them any longer, there are other people who feel that way too. Having therapy for my anxiety was the best thing I ever did. It’s hard work, it’s long, it’s challenging & I still have days where I feel I’m taking baby steps or falling behind, but ultimately my end goal is still there. To live a life I WANT, not a life I feel I need to settle with because my mind won’t let me. I’ve had days where I’ve cried for hours wishing I could just be “normal”, but what is normal? Everyone has something they are battling, whether big or small, whether they show it or not. We are all just human & sometimes we need that time to work on ourselves! Don’t be afraid to speak up, to share how you feel and to talk to those close to you! You are not your mental illness, you are so much more than it. You CAN be louder 🗣, you CAN be in control 🏼 & you CAN be stronger! 🏼 (If I can, you can too)

Zoe Sugg, Instagram photo, It’s world mental health day

Zoe Sugg, Instagram photo, As the weather starts to | Latest Zoe Sugg’s Instagram Picture

As the weather starts to get a little more chilly, I’ve found the @zoellalifestyle “Catching Zzz’s” set to be the ULTIMATE cosy companion! You can grab this and other things in this collection in @bootsuk stores & online! I’ve loved seeing your tagged images of what you’ve picked up so far

Zoe Sugg, Instagram photo, As the weather starts to