Tracy Anderson, Instagram photo, I feel lucky when I | Latest Tracy Anderson’s Instagram Picture

I feel lucky when I get the day right and sometimes even the year . Really soon I am going to be able to know everyone's Birthday's and I can't wait! Today I DO know that it is my dear friend @morgenschick 's Birthday. I'm just going to flat out say that she is over 50 and she is fighting really hard for us all to love every age naturally. Go get em Morgan I am blessed to have you in my life. The next birthday melts me to no end. I first met @clinsay in Miami at a vitality. She was in tears facing a terrible battle with trying to conceive. I hugged her and asked her to relax and let go and move with me. She did and as you can see she is owning her Motherhood in a beautiful way. I love our journey together @clinsay and felt so lucky to see you in Charleston too. Sending so much love and wished to you both!

Tracy Anderson, Instagram photo, I feel lucky when I

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