Willow Shields, Instagram photo, #WomenWarriors photo by me shot | Latest Willow Shields’s Instagram Picture

#WomenWarriors photo by me shot on Hasselblad Film • here is Shasta's letter to social media•

Dear Social media,
No, I’m not perfect. And if we are being honest, realistic and open minded, no one is perfect. I get a lot of comments and message telling that I’m just perfect or out of this world. I know you are referring to physical beauty and I appreciate the compliments or at least your intent but that’s a misleading compliment to live by. There is more about me that would come closer to making me perfect more than my physical appearence. It true that my online appearance doesn’t reveal much about me except my work as model. So I don’t expect you to treat me on a personal level but I do expect respect and kindness, not just for me or fellow nude models but for every women out there. It has came to a point where I feel like women are objectified left and and right just solely for their looks.
I strongly believe in the saying that there is beauty in everything but that not everyone will see it. I believe that deep down beauty is a matter of opinion. I mean, the way I see it is that almost everything in life is a matter of opinion and choice. However, having an opinion shouldn’t prevent you from appreciate life and its different aspects. We all come in different shape, form, colors but we all have specific things that make us special, beautiful but none of us is perfect. Yes, I have some features that I don’t like very much, that I’m sometimes self conscious about but I’ve accepted them and they are part of my beauty. So I wouldn’t say that I’m perfect and I don’t support anyone who say someone is less perfect physically. It gets over whelming that you feel like you are constantly being judged and just seen as beauty with not much else. I love being a model and I will never stop doing it because I know photos can be deceiving but I see that as a form of art/ being creative. With that being said, being a model doesn’t make me perfect , it makes me a human with different life style and experience. I love my physical attributes but what makes the human I’m proud to be is my way of thinking, my kindness, my hard work, and my ability to be open minded.

Willow Shields, Instagram photo, #WomenWarriors photo by me shot

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