Tess Holliday, Instagram photo, SWIPE THROUGH I get comments | Latest Tess Holliday’s Instagram Picture

SWIPE THROUGH I get comments like this on the daily: “Ew no one wants to see that” “Have respect for yourself & children & put clothes on” ”you look classier covered up.” ”keep this in the bedroom & don’t share online.”
Wait… what? So because I’m a mom, I have to hide my body? Y’all know how babies are made right?🤔 All of a sudden I have kids & my sexuality is stripped from me, at a time when most moms desperately need to feel good about themselves?! Nah, I don’t think so. 🤚🏻 I’ve said this before & talk about it in depth in my book- fat women deserve to feel sexy, moms deserve to feel desired & wanted, & if we want to dress “slutty” then y’all can deal with it or keep scrolling. I’m not ashamed of my sexuality & my boys understand now at a young age that their mom is a strong, resilient woman that lives life by my rules. My husband is proud of who I am & doesn’t try to silence me because that’s what a good partner does.
Now let me go to bed before I get madder. #effyourbeautystandards @effyourbeautystandards

Tess Holliday, Instagram photo, SWIPE THROUGH I get comments

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